Mechanical Bull in the spot light at project graduation.

Mechanical bull in the spot light for a project graduation class ready to ride. B-amuse did a great job of entertaining the Grads.

Bull ready for the Grads to Cowboy up!!!!!

B-amused Mechanical Bull was in the spot light at Elkhart, Texas for their project graduation. Seems like a good way to break in the new stage.The graduating class were the first from the beautiful new high school.                                                                                                                                                              The students rode the mechanical bull for prizes and entertainment. There were many good riders amongst the grads. Seemed like the more they rode the better they did. The school also did a great job of putting on the party. They had riddle games, Simon says games and inflatable obstetrical courses. There was pizza and drinks for all to enjoy including myself. Winners received cash and prizes. It was a real pleasure being part of this event. The grads were very polite and courteous to my staff and I.

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